“[Michael] McKeever has created wonderfully unique and specific characters that any actor should relish playing.”

“[Michael] McKeever has created wonderfully unique and specific characters that any actor should relish playing.”

Robert Sokol of talkinbroadway.com writes, “Michael McKeever’s [MR. PARKER is] a funny, emotional, and trenchant new play now on stage at the Pearl McManus Theatre.

“McKeever has written wonderfully free-flowing dialogue and [Nick] Giedris maintains a staccato pace that is exhausting yet rings utterly genuine. It plays particularly well against [David] Pevsner’s alternately squinty, perplexed, jadedly, or wearily overwhelmed reactions.

“Directed with grace and wit by Randy Brenner, MR. PARKER is a complex and compelling portrait of three people peeling through layers of relationship, loss and need. McKeever has created wonderfully unique and specific characters that any actor should relish playing. It’s clear the trio of talents in this production do just that.”

For the complete review, click here.